Chapter 10: Wind-up

Chapter 10 of potential hindrances to our creative development cont… **00X:  If we sell work, we are good and successful artists.** As always, I am merely exposing a few of the tributaries that may or may not be clogged with resistance to our personal creative evolution.  Perhaps the most obvious limitation to this presupposition is in thinking… Continue reading

Chapter 9: Wind-up

Chapter 9 of potential hindrances to our creative development: **00IX: An ‘art critique’ is a necessarily painful affair.**  By now I’m hoping it’s a bit more apparent that it’s up to us whether we suffer in an art critique or from criticism in general. If this is still murky, perhaps we need to ask ourselves why we… Continue reading

Chapter 9/ Part 6: Fielding & Shielding

Chapter 9 of potential hindrances to our creative development continued… Before wrapping up this chapter, I’d like to bundle some loose threads concerning resistance and non-resistance around the encouragement/discouragement and opinions of others. We all know there can be times when someone’s words are a blessing or a boost and when they can be disheartening or crushing,… Continue reading

Chapter 9/ Part 3: What It Isn’t or What It Is?

  Chapter 9 of potential hindrances to our creative development continued… **00IX: An ‘art critique’ is a necessarily painful affair.** I should probably take the time to mention that there is no sure way to actually separate ‘judicative’ and ‘descriptive’ inquiry in an art critique because there is no such thing as neutral observation or a neutral… Continue reading