Chapter 9 of potential hindrances to our creative development continued… I won’t be going into the specifics of the non-judicative critique that I was first introduced to (mainly to protect the trade secrets of that particular professor)— I will, however, reveal the general features that I also experienced in other classes and have come across in conversation… Continue reading
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Chapter 9: Part 1/ Ain’t Ever Gonna Make Sense
Chapter 9 of potential hindrances to our creative development continued… Before we get into whether someone can “make it possible for us to change by ourselves”, it may help to take a closer look at the peculiar nature of an art critique (and how it differs from criticism). Having gone through 5 years of these in art… Continue reading
Chapter 9: Crit & Cry
Chapter 9 of potential hindrances to our creative development : **00IX: An ‘art critique’ is a necessarily painful affair.** I don’t want to assume that anyone who wishes to expand their creative capacity and expression wants or needs to expose themselves to an ‘art critique.’ But I’ve noticed how tricky it is to avoid casual everyday commentary… Continue reading
Chapter 8: Wind-up
Chapter 8 of potential hindrances to our creative development : **00VIII: We don’t understand art unless we get what the artist intended.** Although it’s always a possibility to understand art as an artist says they have intended (on some level), I hope I’ve made it fairly obvious how much this presupposition is potentially a prompt for failure… Continue reading
Chapter 8/ Part 3: Reading and Being Read
Chapter 8 of potential hindrances to our creative development continued… In Part 2, I was beginning to unwrap the question, is all artistic expression meant to be enjoyed? After mentioning some resistance around this I left off with: and if it isn’t, what do we get out of art that we don’t understand or enjoy? One thing… Continue reading
Chapter 8/ Part 2: My Kid Could Paint That
Chapter 8 of potential hindrances to our creative development continued… In the last article I sat down with the possibility of understanding creative works through our enjoyment of them. But is all art meant to be simply enjoyed? We’ve probably all met a work of art that baffled or disappointed us and there’s a good chance we… Continue reading
Chapter 8/ Part 1: Enjoying is Understanding
Chapter 8 of potential hindrances to our creative development continued… I was just saying how our formal education (with its historical influences) tends to deliver the presumption that a creative work has a singular meaning that can be reached on an intellectual level. If we are accustomed to being given wordy explanations and expected to grasp or… Continue reading
Chapter 8: Do You Get It?
Chapter 8 of potential hindrances to our creative development : **00VIII: We don’t understand art unless we get what the artist intended.** While the last presupposition mainly dealt with getting uptight and freaked out when our personal creative expression is being looked at, this one concerns limitations born out of the way we look at the creations… Continue reading
Chapter 7: Wind-up
Chapter 7 of potential hindrances to our creative development : 00VII: All successful art is confirmed when the audience responds exactly as the artist intended. Wrapping this chapter up at this point may seem hasty. I’m sure it’s noticeable how the content of these chapters are like streams trickling into one river and that some of the streams… Continue reading
Chapter 7: Dads in Doorways
Chapter 7 of potential hindrances to our creative development continued… The other day I was talking to a friend about the possibility of a stone having the most primitive form of consciousness. He was like, woe, you’re going to have to back way up somewhere so I can get what you’re saying. I’m often catching myself presuming that… Continue reading